
尹德川文集Dominic Yin Collections


前言: 採用戰策, 戰略及戰術 (附中英文釋義)的方式簡介此項計劃.

第一章: 戰策

  1. 7000多萬人口的粵港澳大灣區(GBA)策劃全面統一處理固體廢物(垃圾)的方案.
  2. 目的便是用最經濟低成本的方式同時可以回收資源而又不會污染環境的技術和安排, 解決目前垃圾圍城的困擾和不利的影響.

第二章: 做什麼? (What?)

GBA的沿海的適當碼頭附近物色一至多個<<廢物處理中心>>, 全部採用不填埋, 不焚燒的環保技術大量處理以便回收大量資源並在當地利用這些資源可再利用及生產可再用的商品.

第三章: 在何處做? (Where?)

  1. 建議在GBA的東邊, 即惠州的現有港口, 甚至再向更東深圳管理的汕尾特區建立處理中心,以便廣州的中線以東加上東莞, 深圳, 惠州及香港(尚待中央批准不屬洋垃圾不可進口的限制>>的垃圾全部經海邊或河邊的中轉站運到東部中心.
  2. 建議在GBA的西邊, 即江門市的台山現有港口建立處理中心,以便廣州的中線以西加上佛山, 肇慶, 江門,中山, 珠海及澳門(亦須中央批准不屬洋垃圾不可進口的限制)的垃圾全部經海邊或河邊的中轉站運到西部中心.

第四章: 為什麼? (Why?)

  1. .
  2. ,不會阻塞陸上交通.
  3. , 而且浪費資源.
  4. 費資源而且產生二氧化碳等氣體污染空氣, 尤其是釋放二噁英(Dioxin)的有害氣體.
  5. PGAS的技術可以自動分類, 包括生物預處理, 物理及機械方法處理及濕式分選最後可分出紙漿, 塑料, 有機肥, 建材, 廢金屬及紡織品及水份.
  6. , 降低運費, 並可繼續不斷供應.
  7. ,可賣給園林公司及農業公司.
  8. 輕質塑料(聚烯烴類即PPPE)可直接出售給附近設立的重油加工廠進行裂解製油或製成塑料顆粒(Pallets)再賣出給附近的中低檔塑料製品廠以及製成瀝青替代品與砂石混合可鋪設馬路.
  9. 硬質塑料(即聚氯乙烯及ABS)可在附近設廠進行發泡處理, 製成建築管線保溫材料或直接粉碎與沙石, 碎玻璃及陶瓷混合水泥製成建築空心磚.
  10. 的燃燒燃料, 熱值高達4000大卡以上, 煙氣中污染物含量還低於一般垃圾, 暫時可替代燃煤.
  11. 的污水, 可用污水處理技術後排放或灌溉園景.
  12. 已達到國家標準.
  13. 其他非填埋, 非焚燒的技術均可採用以便百花齊放, 例如: 等離子(Plasma)技術處理醫療及危廢,以色列的Arrow技術加水後, 金屬沿底用Eddy Current取出, 輕的塑料浮出可以吹出使用剩下則作污水處理並獲得甲烷(CH4)利用等.
  14. ,也未曾不可.

第五章: Who? (誰來做?)

  1. (UNDP)已表示同意這種可持續發展的模式, 將可倡導, 支持及督導.
  2. UNDP製作可行性報告並要求各級政府採納及全方位的支持.
  3. .

第六章: When? (何時?)

  1. .

第七章: How? (如何做?)

  1. (Integrated Planning)
  2. (Total Control)
  3. 目標管理)
  4. 績效評估)

第八章: How Much? (量化?)

  • , 匯集人力, 物力和財力的總體力量完成任務.

第九章: 戰術 (見附件)

  • , 彎道抄車

定義: 戰策, 戰略和戰術

  1. 附上我本人對戰策, 戰略和戰術的定義, 請大家指教.
  2. 戰策亦即一般所說的政策.
  3. 戰略有不同的定義, 我的定義是必須要有量化及進度的規劃, 否則還是戰策.
  4. 戰略其實是<<綜合規劃>>(Integrated Planning)和總體控制(Total Control)的總稱, 亦是Management by Objects (MBO)Management by Result (MBO)亦即<<目標管理>><<績效評估>>的總稱.
  5. 戰術的簡稱便是方法論(Methodology)


1.    戰策是對一個計劃所涵蓋的願景(Vision)使命(Vision)和目標(Goals)的總方向作出全部的精華內容.

2.    由國家訂定頂層設計(由上而下)並隨時視大環境的改變而作調整. (德國中央研究院作出百年計劃, 但大多是由下而上的程序).

3.    民間的智庫(Think Tank)及非政府組織(NGO)應隨時不斷的建言和獻策,作出建設性的意見.

4.    我們目前的情勢必須跟著國家走,現在只能摸著石頭過河.自行擬出行業中共同遵守的規則,由標杆(benchmark)逐漸影響國家建立可行的標準並制定可行的法律和法令.

戰略(Strategy) 5W

1.    What(做什么?)

2.    Why(為什么要做?)

3.    Who(什么人去做?)

4.    When (何時去做?:時間表及路線圖)

5.    Where (在哪裡做?)

6.  How? (如何去做?)

   Integrated Planning (綜合計畫)

   Total Control (整體控制)

7.  How Much? (如何量化?)



1.    方法論(Methodology) 也就是<<四輪驅動>>, 包括各級政府, NGO (民間協會, 大學, 研究所, 智庫)企業及傳媒.

2.    外圓內方的溝通(Communication)

3.    說服 (Lobby)

4. 全球的造勢輿論 (Media)

Definition: Policy, Strategy & Tactics


1.    Policy is a long term and continuous plan and the direction to include all the visions, missions and goals for a smart city.

2.  Will work out a “Top Design” for each independent city or region that will be slightly reviewed and adjusted form time to time if needed base on the proposals and recommendations from think tanks, NGOs, universities and R & D centers as well as the enterprises of the region.


1.    What?

1.1 My initial project for China  is : “Base on the foundation of the people & culture, we will build a model of livable, sustainable, ecological, healthy, fair and just with safety and high efficiency city cluster in Pearl River Delta”.

1.2 The cluster will be expanded to other neighbor cities and villages to establish satellite cities which will be gradually urbanized to eventually become independent cities.

1.3  ASEAN Countries are advised to do the same.

2. Why?

2.1 The trend is that people of the world is estimated to be over 80% will move to the big cities which have to be scientifically and smartly designed and planned to meet all the requirements.

2.2 If nothing or very little will be done, the existing cities globally specially the densely populated cities in Asia will all be disastrously defeated.

3. Who?

3.1 5P with four wheel drive

3.2 Service providers including lawyers, accountants, risk management, insurance companies, environmental protection companies and surveyors etc should be united to form various consortiums and think tanks to offer services to all the projects to do the evaluations & feasibility studies

3.3 technology providers will be verified to compete and make improvements among themselves to offer the best performances of both prices and quality.

3.4 MRV (measurable, reportable, verifiable) teams will offer their services to make sure the projects will be valuable and sustainable.

4. Where?

4.1 Should start with existing big cities or regions to gradually expand to all the possible directions followed with infrastructures and smart traffic to urbanize the rural areas.

4.2 Not too small to start to avoid unnecessary investments.

4.3 It will be too expensive to use multiple “System Integration” supported by cloud computing, IoT and big data, just like using the knife of slotting cows to kill chickens

5. When?

5.1 Road Map

5.2 Time table

5.3 Periodical and reasonable adjustments.

6. How ?

6.1 5P ( Four Wheel drive)

6.2 BOT, BOO, BT and short term performance contracts etc.

6.3 cooperation & coordination

6.4 System engineering with supply chains.

6.5 Integrated planning &total control

7. How Much?

7.1 The combination of human resources, technologies and finance.

7.2 input & output analysis.

7.3 ROI & IRR.


1.    Methodology: Four Wheel Drive including Governments, NGOs, (Associations, Universities Institutes & Experts), Entrepreneurs and medias.

2.    Communication (cooperation & coordination)

3.    Lobby

4.    Global Medias



